Accessing files in different storage locations

In this demo, we demonstrate how data can be accessed from different storage spaces available to a Purdue Analysis Facility user. Copies of the same ROOT file have been placed in different storage locations, in this example they are accessed via

import uproot
import time

def test_file_access(path, filename):
    This function opens a NanoAOD file at a given path
    and prints the pT of the first muon found in that file,
    as well as the time taken to access the file.

    print(f"Accessing file at {path}{filename}")
    start = time.time()
    with["Events"] as file:
        pt = file["Muon_pt"].array()[0][0]
        print("First muon pT: ", round(pt, 2), "GeV")

    dt = round(time.time()-start, 2)
    print(f"Time elapsed: {dt}s.")

0. Local files

test_file_access("./data/", "test_nanoaod.root")
Accessing file at ./data/test_nanoaod.root
First muon pT:  82.55 GeV
Time elapsed: 3.91s.

1. Purdue Depot

The Purdue Depot storage is writeable for Purdue users, but read-only for external users.

# Choice of two paths - the mount point and the symlink in home directory
# (the latter is convenient for access via the file browser).

filename = "test_nanoaod_depot.root"
test_file_access("/depot/cms/hmm/", filename)
test_file_access("~/depot/hmm/", filename)
Accessing file at /depot/cms/hmm/test_nanoaod_depot.root
First muon pT:  82.55 GeV
Time elapsed: 0.87s.

Accessing file at ~/depot/hmm/test_nanoaod_depot.root
First muon pT:  82.55 GeV
Time elapsed: 0.71s.

2. Purdue EOS

Purdue EOS storage is mounted as read-only FS; however, Purdue users can write to their EOS directories using gfal commands (see instrictions here).

# Choice of two paths - the mount point and the symlink in home directory
# (the latter is convenient for access via the file browser).

filename = "test_nanoaod_eos_purdue.root"
test_file_access("/eos/purdue/store/user/dkondrat/", filename)
test_file_access("~/eos-purdue/store/user/dkondrat/", filename)
Accessing file at /eos/purdue/store/user/dkondrat/test_nanoaod_eos_purdue.root
First muon pT:  82.55 GeV
Time elapsed: 0.82s.

Accessing file at ~/eos-purdue/store/user/dkondrat/test_nanoaod_eos_purdue.root
First muon pT:  82.55 GeV
Time elapsed: 0.79s.



The following cell must be modified, since each user only gets access to their own CERNBox directory. To enable access to your CERNBox, run command eos-connect in terminal.

# Choice of two paths - the mount point and the symlink in home directory
# (the latter is convenient for access via the file browser).

filename = "test_nanoaod_eos_cern.root"
test_file_access("/eos/cern/home-d/dkondrat/", filename)
test_file_access("~/eos-cern/", filename)
Accessing file at /eos/cern/home-d/dkondrat/test_nanoaod_eos_cern.root
First muon pT:  82.55 GeV
Time elapsed: 5.31s.

Accessing file at ~/eos-cern/test_nanoaod_eos_cern.root
First muon pT:  82.55 GeV
Time elapsed: 0.77s.

4. XRootD

Before using XRootD, initialize the VOMS proxy in terminal (voms-proxy-init --voms cms)

test_file_access("root://", "test_nanoaod_eos_purdue.root")
Accessing file at root://
First muon pT:  82.55 GeV
Time elapsed: 2.03s.


!ls /cvmfs/
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