Software stacks
Conda environments and Jupyter kernels
The Purdue Analysis Facility provides multiple Jupyter kernels with pre-installed analysis software. Users can also create their own kernels from scratch or from the existing kernels using the following instructions: Creating Conda environments and Jupyter kernels.
The pre-installed kernels are listed below. The versions of the packages in these kernels will be occasionally upgraded.
1. Python3 kernel (default)
This kernel is based on Python 3.10 and designed for typical pythonic HEP analysis workflows.
In new Jupyter notebooks, this kernel will be automatically selected as default.
In Terminal, it can be activated as follows:
conda activate /depot/cms/kernels/python3
The environment is built from the following YAML file:
name: python3
- conda-forge
- python=3.10.10
# Scientific computing and data analysis
- awkward=1.10.3
- awkward-cpp=15
- lmfit
- numba
- numpy=1.23.5
- pandas=1.5.3
- scipy
- scikit-learn=1.5.2
- uncertainties
# JuliaCall
- pyjuliacall
# High energy physics tools
- coffea=0.7.21
- hist
# - lhapdf - installed manually (see PATHs)
- pyhf
- root=6.32.2
- uproot=4.3.7
- vector=1.4.2
- cabinetry
- hepdata-lib
# Plotting
- bokeh=2.4.2
- matplotlib
- mplhep
- plotly
# - texlive-core
# - tectonic
- py-spy
- graphviz
- python-graphviz
- pydot
- ipympl
# Machine learning
- mup
# - tensorflow & keras - see pip packages
# - torch & torch_geometric - see pip packages
- xgboost
- optuna
- scikit-optimize
# Distributed computing
- dask=2023.3.2
- dask-gateway=2023.9.0
- dask-jobqueue=0.8.1
- distributed=2023.3.2
# - dask-kubernetes
- dask-ml
- dask-xgboost
- dask-memusage
- dask-histogram
# C++ libraries
- boost
- eigen
- gsl
- pcre
- tbb
- vdt
# Other tools
- ca-certificates
- certifi
- click=8.1.3
- gpustat
- ipykernel
- ipywidgets
- mamba
- openssl
- pip
- pyarrow
- pytest
- tqdm
- xrootd
- yaml
- pycurl
- mimesis=8
- setuptools=67
- pip:
- rucio-clients
- scalpl
- tensorflow[and-cuda]==2.15.1
- tensorflow-probability==0.23
- tf-keras
- qkeras
- torch==2.0.1
- torch-geometric==2.3.1
- git+
- git+
- PhyPraKit
- dbs3-client
- correctionlib==2.5.0
- cmsstyle
- xgbfir
# must run this command: pip uninstall nvidia-cudnn-cu11
PATH: /depot/cms/kernels/python3/bin:/usr/sue/bin:/etc/jupyter/dask:/opt/conda/condabin:/opt/conda/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/depot/cms/purdue-af/lhapdf/bin
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: :/depot/cms/purdue-af/lhapdf/lib:/opt/conda/lib/
PYTHONPATH: :/depot/cms/purdue-af/lhapdf/lib/python3.10/site-packages
prefix: /depot/cms/kernels/python3
2. coffea_latest
This kernel features the latest version of Coffea package,
which is regularly updated. In contrtast, the Coffea version in the default
environment is fixed to 0.7.21
If you want to use the coffea_latest
environment but missing some packages,
please contact Purdue AF admins and we will install them
for you.
Last updated: January 17, 2025
Coffea version:
In new Jupyter notebooks, this kernel will appear as
Python[conda env:coffea_latest]
.In Terminal, it can be activated as follows:
conda activate /depot/cms/kernels/coffea_latest
The environment is built from the following YAML file:
name: coffea_latest
- conda-forge
- python
- pip
- coffea==2025.1.0
- awkward
- uproot
- hist
- mplhep
- uncertainties
- lmfit
- correctionlib==2.6.4
- root==6.32.02
- root_base==6.32.02
- boost
- eigen
- gsl
- pcre
- tbb
- vdt
# ML
- xgboost
# Tools
- dask
- dask-gateway
- prometheus_client
- xrootd
- ipywidgets
- ipykernel
- omegaconf
- libnvjitlink-dev
- pip:
- rucio-clients==33.3.0
- fsspec-xrootd
- torch
- cmsstyle
- scikit-hep-testdata
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /depot/cms/kernels/coffea_latest/lib/python3.11/site-packages/nvidia/nvjitlink/lib/:/usr/local/cuda-12.2/lib64:/depot/cms/purdue-af/combine/HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit/build/lib:/depot/cms/purdue-af/roofit-batchcompute/build/
PYTHONPATH: /depot/cms/kernels/coffea_latest/bin
3. ROOT C++ kernel
This kernel provides an interactive interface to the ROOT command line, allowing to execute ROOT macros and produce plots inside Jupyter notebooks.
See also
Software stacks from CVMFS
It is possible to load centrally distributed CERN software stacks for CVMFS, such as LCG Releases and Apptainer/Singularity images.
Methods described in this section will work only in Terminal, it is not currently possible to use the LCG stacks and Apptainer images to launch custom Jupyter kernels.
1. LCG Releases
The LCG Documentation page contains information about software releases avaiable for loading via CVMFS. Loading remote software is possible either via LCG views for entire software stacks, or via LCG releases for specific packages.
2. Apptainer (Singularity) images
Another method of loading centrally maintained software is via Apptainer (formerly Singularity) images distributed via CVMFS. This can be useful if you need to run a code that requires a specific operating system (Purdue AF is based on AlmaLinux8).
Example of loading an Apptainer image based on EL7:
$ /cvmfs/
Your Analysis Facility session already runs in a Docker container. Launching Apptainer inside the AF session leads to a “container-in-container” setup, which is not guaranteed to always work as intended.
We do not recommend using Apptainer at Purdue AF, unless it is absolutely needed.