How to use Purdue AF

Basic interface components

JupyterLab provides an interactive interface for general code development. The screenshot below shows the main elements of the interface:

  1. File browser - your home directory with symlinks to different storage volumes (Depot, CVMFS, /work/, etc. - learn more here).

  2. Exstensions - left sidebar contains useful extesions: an interactive Dask Gateway interface, and a Git extension for interactive work with GitHub or GitLab repositories.

  3. Launcher - features buttons to create Python and ROOT C++ notebooks with different Conda environments, open terminals, create new text files, etc. New launcher window can be opened by clicking the + button in the file browser or next to any open tab.

  4. Top bar - contains Purdue AF release version, your username, dark theme switch, and the shutdown button.

  5. Terminal - standard Bash terminal, useful for any cases that require a command line interface, such as voms-proxy-init. You can also activate Conda environments here, run shell or Python scripts, use ROOT console, etc.

  6. File editor - simple IDE with syntax highlight for most common programming languages.


Windows with terminals, editors, etc., can be rearranged. The window layout is preserved when you shut down and restart the AF session.

Python code development

JupyterLab is especially well suited for developing analysis workflows in Python.

  • Jupyter Notebooks allow to write analysis code as a sequence of code and text cells, which can be executed in arbitrary order. In many cases, a single Jupyter Notebook can accomodate a full analysis from data access to producing final plots.

    Jupyter Notebooks support a wide range of plugins and widgets, which allows for a more interactive experience comparing to simple Python scripts.

  • To execute the code in a Jupyter Notebook, we always need to specify a kernel. At Purdue AF, Jupyter kernels are derived from Conda environments. Read more about creating Conda environments and Jupyter kernels here.

  • We provide a curated “default” Conda environment, which should work for most applications, unless your code relies on a specific version of pytorch or tensorflow, or uses coffea==2024.X.X.

    For coffea 2024.x workflows, we also provide a pre-installed coffea_latest environment.


    In most cases, you will not need to create your own Conda environment. Try using the default environment first, and contact Purdue AF admins if there are any packages missing.

  • Analysis code written in Python can be accelerated via parallelization. We recommend using Dask for parallelization and distributed computing. For scaling out to multiple computing nodes, consider using Dask Gateway.


ROOT is a software package developed by CERN and widely used in high energy physics for histogramming, fitting, and statistical analysis.

  • ROOT console can be launched from a terminal by typing root -l. Note that it is not possible to display canvases or open TBrowser as JupyterLab interface does not support X11 forwarding.

  • Alternatively, you can turn a Jupyter Notebook into a ROOT console by selecting the ROOT C++ kernel. Similarly to Python notebooks, you can add text cells and execute cells in arbitrary order.

    When working from a Jupyter Notebook, you can display ROOT plots using TCanvas::Draw method.

    See example of ROOT C++ notebook here.

  • The pre-installed ROOT C++ kernel supports CUDA backend for RooFit. To use it, pass RooFit::EvalBackend("cuda") argument to model.fitTo().

  • In Python, ROOT functionality is accessiblae via PyROOT package, present in the default kernel.

HEP analysis frameworks

We aim to support a wide range of modern HEP analysis tools. Below are a few examples of frameworks which have been shown to perform well at Purdue AF:

  • Coffea is a popular Python package for efficient columnar particle physics analyses. Coffea implements all common tools used in modern HEP analyses, and has a large and active support community.

    In the default curated Python3 (default) kernel, we provide coffea==0.7.21.

    Newer Coffea releases use calendar versioning scheme, e.g. coffea==2024.9.0; these versions are incompatible with 0.7.x and older versions. To access one of the latest Coffea versions, you can either use coffea_latest kernel, or create your own kernel. If you want to use coffea_latest but missing some packages, please contact Purdue AF admins and we will install them for you.

  • PocketCoffea is a slim declarative framework built on top of Coffea. It allows to define an analysis with a few configuration files. A PocketCoffea analysis can be executed in a distributed way using dask@purdue-af executor which is based on Dask Gateway.

  • RDataFrame is another common HEP analysis framework based on ROOT. RDataFrame analysis can be written in either C++ or Python. Purdue AF supports RDataFrame in any Conda environment where ROOT is installed, including default and coffea_latest environments.

Scaling out

  • Slurm is a job scheduler and workload manager that enables batch submission on Purdue computing clusters. At Purdue AF, users with local Purdue accounts can submit jobs from Purdue AF to cms queue.

    Instructions for submitting Slurm jobs

  • Dask is an open-source library for parallel computing in Python. It can be used to quickly parallelize any Python code, or implicitly as a backend in frameworks such as Coffea and RDataFrame.

    At Purdue AF, we host Dask Gateway servers, which allow users with both local and external (CERN/FNAL) accounts to scale out beyond local session resources.

  • CRAB (CMS Remote Analysis Builder) is a utility to submit CMSSW jobs to distributed computing resources. CRAB allows users to:

    • Access Data and Monte Carlo datasets stored at any CMS computing site worldwide.

    • Exploit the CPU and storage resources at CMS computing sites via Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG).

    CRAB is suitable for running most CMSSW framework jobs (i.e. jobs launched via the cmsRun command). It is recommended to use CRAB for computationally intensive jobs, such as Monte Carlo generation or “skimming” AOD / MiniAOD datasets.

    Instructions for submitting CRAB jobs


At Purdue AF, you can start a session with a GPU by specifying it at resource selection step.

We have a limited number of Nvidia A100 GPUs, which are available in two configurations:



Number of instances

Full A100 GPU



5GB “slice” of A100



See more info here: GPU access at Purdue AF.